Like most people I first came across the Beano as a kid. From the age of six, I read both it and the Dandy religiously. It's just like a dream to work for these comics. The reason I enjoy doing this is
that I never changed, I still laugh at the same things I laughed at as a kid. It's a great pleasure to laugh as I work, interpreting a good gag from the scriptwriters. I think the Beano still sells after all these years because it epitomises British humour - it's very surreal with a lot of slapstick, which goes right back to Charlie Chaplin. It appeals to that anarchic side of kids, the side that enjoys seeing someone get one over on adults.
If somebody's trousers fall down or they get kicked up the bum, kids love it. I loved it at that age;
it was the same with my kids and now with my grandchildren. At the age of seventeen I was lucky enough to get a position as an art assistant, working for the Walt Disney orgnisation. This meant leaving my home near Barnsley, South Yorkshire and moving to London. After a few years I married and moved to Canada where both my children were born. Again I was extrememly lucky to find a posistion with a book publisher in Toronto where I was soon made art director.

However cartoons were still in my blood and I returned to the U.K. It wasnt long before I built up a client base which included IPC Magazines, Marvel Comics and of course D.C Thomson, for whom I have drawn many of their famous characters. Many of which can be seen on this site.
I have lived for many years with my wife Eileen in a small village near Sudbury, Suffolk. Both my children Carrie and Jason and my six grandchildren live near by. After many years of hiding my head in the sand in the face of modern technology my son and grandson, Ben have dragged me kicking and screaming into the 21st Century, by setting up this website for me.